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Chairman's Desk

Dear Parents and students,

Heartiest congratulations to my principal, staffs, students and parents for another successful and fruitful year. The school progressing by leaps and bounds, especially with respect to innovative and creative teaching techniques and technology based education.

Our attempts to improve and enhance the infrastructure will continue unabated. We have not only updated all our labs but have enriched the teaching learning process by regular and systematic use of audio visual aids and student friendly study materials.

We at Sun Valley Public School have always been committed to wholesome education and therefore, great efforts are put in to give a platform to every student to perform and showcase his / her hidden talents and develop in them a feeling of caring and compassion for the society and environment.

Let us re-define education at school with our dedicated and sincere efforts.

With best compliments.

Akhilesh V. Singh

Get In Touch

Bhomi(Undi), Sarsawan, Varanasi

+91-9969395063, 7977012473

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